Learn Three Top Email Closes

Learn Three Top Email Closes That Make 99% Of Your Sales!

Do you want to learn three easy, yet powerful email closes that can boost your sales 99%?

When it comes to AFFILIATE and EMAIL MARKETING, how should you approach formatting your ads?

Definitely, there are different kinds of email formats that work.

However; there are three closes that make up 99% of your sales emails.

What are they?

1. Emotional
2. Logical
3. Fearful

And your most successful performing emails will include all three!

And usually in that order.

You make decisions by how you feel. Always open and start your sales email with an EMOTIONAL plea, question or statement that you know is important to you and your target audience.

You buy with your emotions!

Then; once your emotions settle down you try to LOGICALLY JUSTIFY making a purchase.

In your head you will come up with all the reasons why it’s a good idea to make a purchase.

So, second of all, providing the LOGIC that will back up justifying your purchase is important.

Then finally at the end of your email, you need to touch on the FEARFUL closer.

It usually comes in the form of URGENCY, and SCARCITY. Maybe your supply is unlimited and that makes it urgent that you buy NOW!

Maybe time is running out!

So; touch on all three closes; emotional, logical and fearful. In that order.

Your affiliate emails will be 99% more effective and easier to write because you will have a simple template in your mind to guide you.

Let me give a shout out and credit to Russell Brunson and Stan Stuchinski, both successful marketers in their own right. That’s where I learned what should go inside of each email message.

One additional point is that the “Secret Of Every Success Is Total Focus.”

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