8 Basic ToolS for Working from Home!

to create three or four addresses. One for your BUSINESS ADMIN to contact you, one for EXCHANGING AFFILIATE EMAILS (which will come in by the thousands), one for exclusively COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR AFFILIATE partners. One for MISCELLANEOUS E-MAIL communications (for example you want to download a ebook from someone’s and you don’t want to risk more email.
(2) Phone Contact
If you’re serious about your business, you need a phone contact. In fact, you need to provide visible contact information to your business prospects in your ads. It should include your name, phone number and e-mail.
You may not like to do that, but if you don’t; don’t expect anyone to trust you.
Some people use their cell phones and others use a landline. Myself, I prefer to use a voicemail number because I don’t like to be bothered on my personal phones.
However; at the same time I want to be accessible to my business partners. I use a voicemail so I can sift out the spammers and not be disturbed by hundreds of phone calls in the middle of an inspirational moment!
I hate cell phones!
In my humble opinion, they are counterproductive to creativity (Despite being a business necessity)! They also distract from the current moment!
However; if you’re a cell phone junkie go right ahead and use it for your business contact. It has it’s pros and cons. Otherwise, you can check out the voicemail I use.
(3) Product to Promote
Hopefully, you have put some forthought into what you want to promote.
Your decision can be based on many things; you like the product, easy to promote, generous commission, high supply and demand, become a millionaire with the product, use the product yourself, your skill makes it easy for you to promote, etc.
Ultimately; it needs to be something that you have passion for and fit the goal you have created for yourself (you might want to read my TOP OPPS link).
On the other hand, you need to ask yourself are you an affiliate marketer?
Or are you a product promoter?
A “MARKETER” is looking what sells and makes money!
A product you are passionate about may or may not sell. So you have to decide which is more important to you; is it promoting a certain product or making the sale?
It makes a difference in how you’re going to conduct and approach your business model.
If you’re just beginning your work-from-home business it might be wise to start out with one product rather than promoting too many things at once.
If you haven’t decided on a product yet; you might consider what I found to be a successful business for beginners (SEE HERE). If you like what you see, you won’t need to look at product vendors below.
This is my number one recommended affiliate product if you feel you’re very quick at learning new things (SEE HERE ).
However; if you feel you are “green behind the ears” beginner, this one is about as simple as you can get and gives you a good basic foundation on how to do affiliate marketing online and can also be your #1 affiliate product. You can check it out here.
(4) Product vendors:
This is where you can get your product ideas. When you’re doing affiliate and email marketing you promote someone else’s product.
They do all the research and development and you sell it for them.
Below are some of the most popular product vendors. Beginning marketers like yourself are making 5 and 6 figure incomes through these programs.
It would be good to join all three of the programs below. If you are going to be serious about this, eventually you will use all of them.
You can join all three vendors below and look through what they have available.
Those three sources provide you with digital and informational products. But you can be an affiliate of almost any tangible product as well. You can get commissions for advertising popular retail stores.
(5) Payment Processor:
To get paid on the Internet and to send payments to support programs; you need a payment processor.
At one time, Paypal was all that you needed!
Not true anymore!
For what ever reason, Paypal just decided that they were no longer going to do business with internet Marketing programs.
It happened with no warning!
As of recent, it became a big hassle.
However; have no fear, it actually has produced a whole lot more options and that means more competition and better options.
Now you have at least eight or more choices.
At this point it would be good to be a member of two or three that are available.
Because not all Internet Marketing programs use the same payment processors. So it may take two or three memberships to make your transactions.
The good thing is they’re all free.
Meanwhile, it will be in your best interest to only use paypal for personal transactions and pick at least two others for your business transactions.
If you use Paypal for business transactions it won’t last long for many internet marketing programs.
CoinPayments and CoinBase
(6) Credit card:
If possible, open or use a credit card that you only use for business online.
Treat your new business like a business. Don’t mix your business expenses with your personal expenses.
So use a MasterCard or Visa for your business. They are the most popular, whereas cards like Discover are not always accepted by internet marketing programs.
(7) Autoresponder services:
This may or may not be something you need right away. An autoresponder sends out email in large numbers to your prospects.
Depending on how you do your marketing program will depend on if you need one.
Below are a few choices. You can decide later. However, I recommend you get one at the beginning of your business. This is a core feature you should have.
Some other programs you purchase may already have a free autoresponder tool with it. But usually the best autoresponders cost a fee. Eventually you want to invest in a reliable service. That’s important because they will be handling your list of prospects.
Autoresponder choices:
LeadsLeap FREE (this is my #1 recommendation. This includes an autoresponder but is much more! You can get an account free, check it out. This is one of the best autoresponder opportunity’s and will provide you everything you need to start your mailing “list” and get your business running.
Secondly; a PRO account will give you unlimited mailing list no matter how big it gets. It is worth it! The cost, the tools and the quality is the best.
Europeansafelist (monthly charge + many more features)
Getresponse (use this link and make $30 when you join.)
AWeber (monthly charge for auto responder exclusively)
(8) Graphics programs:
With affiliate and email marketing you will eventually get involved with banner and graphic advertisements.
You will need easy-to-do graphics for your advertising.
Below are a selection of paid and free services.
I personally use Laughing Bird Graphics which is great for beginners. It is easy to use and they have different graphic programs. You do have to pay, but very reasonable. The other choices are free and ready to use.
Graphics programs and freebees:
Convert Word Documents to HTML
When you equip yourself with these eight tools, providing you have already found your product to promote; the only thing left is to determine your traffic promotion choice.
Again, if you wanna keep it simple and use safelists treaffic, you can look at my link. Secondly, you can look at what I consider my TOP OPPS which takes care of all your traffic needs.
I hope this will get you started right!
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