9 places to find your top customers

9 places to find your top customers!

If you’re looking for customers for your online business, how do you determine who are your best customers?

You start by solving a problem that your customer is experiencing.

Once you discover a solution, you create your product or service to be that solution.

Or in the case of an affiliate marketer, you find the product that they need and get it in front of them!

Good advertisements focus on their
customers, not on their product!

Below are 9 places to find the best customers that are interested in the product you are advertising.

Ask yourself these questions:

1) what are the top websites they might visit?

2) what top message boards they might visit?

3) what Facebook groups do they join?

4) what personalities do they follow on instagram?

5) what are their favourite podcasts?

6) what are their favorite email newsletters?

7) what keywords did a search?

8) what channels they watch on Youtube?

9) what blogs do they read?

These questions will help you to further understand your customers’ needs.

Bonus: here is a free tool that is very useful in helping you to find key words and phrases that your customers are using online.

It’ll not only help you find your best customers; it will also help you discover the right keywords and phrases to use for your writing needs, whether it be blogs, email ads, websites, capture pages, Etc:

Search Insights 

By the way, if you’re needing some simple solutions for your biz find out below how to unclog it!

Money is not really in the list: – here’s where it is!

The Money Is Not Really In The List: – Here’s Where It Is!

Ask any experienced affiliate marketer and they will tell you “The Money Is In The List!”

This is probably one of the most popular principles taught in the internet marketing world.

Almost every guru was saying it when I started out, and so I believed that it was right.

So I started spending money and time building my list.

But even though your list grows, the money won’t just start magically coming in.

And that was when I realized having a list isn’t really where the money is.


It’s in mailing the list!

You see friend; you can have 100,000 email list.

But if you don’t know how to send them the right emails that will gain their trust and convince them to buy whatever you recommend, then your list is useless.

That’s why some people with a smaller list, make more money than most people with a bigger email list.

When I eventually figured this out, I knew I had to start doing one of two things:

1) Start learning how to write emails in my auto-responder that produces sales.

2) or find a platform that would even set it up for me.

Because I wanted to be affective IMMEDIATELY, I chose 2; so I wouldn’t be losing precious time!

So before you even start building a list, make you have a good email follow-up system in place.

You can see BELOW the perfect resource I’ve found that can IMMEDIATELY convert and bring you sales.

Inside this resource, you’ll also get highly converting email swipes ALREADY IN PLACE AND READY TO LAUNCH to make money even if you don’t know how to write yourself.

If you want to succeed in email marketing and make the type of money you see big marketers making, then check the advertisement below now so you can be ready to market right away!

number one secret entrepreneur success

What Is The #1 Secret To Online Entrepreneur Success!

Success Habits You Need In Your Daily Routine.

What is the number one secret to online entrepreneur success?

I’m sure there’s more than one answer, depending on who you talk to.

With so many ways to make money online and different resources and skills needed, there IS NOT one-fits-all answer.

But I believe, there is one secret habit that will guarantee you success at whatever legitimate online business you’re working on.

What is that habit?

Well, BEFORE I tell you what it is; let me tell you what BAD HABIT most all unsuccessful entrepreneur possess. This is especially true for ONLINE ENTREPRENEURS!

The answer might sound so simple, you might stop reading the rest of this blog!

But I encourage you to keep reading.

The worst problem IS NOT:

Having a good mentor.
Having a good business model.
Having the right skills.
Having enough cash flow.
Having enough time.
Having enough traffic or leads.

…. ALTHOUGH these are all essential for a good online business.

But, in my opinion the worst problem is PROCRASTINATION!

I know, that sounds simple and hardly the number one problem, right?


“If you don’t stay focused on your goals, you will spend your life achieving the objectives of other people, particularly those who are goal oriented.” Page 176, 10X Rule.

Why is procrastination so easy with online businesses?


It’s easier to have broken focus!
It’s easier to experience delays and distractions!
It’s easier to fail daily goals because of difficulty keeping organized between stopping and continuing your tasks.

Listen to what author Grant Carbone said about his experience with SUCCESS.

“The first three years of my life as a salesperson was hard work and gave me sporadic results at best. Then I committed two years and thousands of dollars to improve my approach, and selling was no longer work!”

Unplanned hours will always gravitate toward your weakness. Unplanned days are unproductive days. Unplanned days are incubators for your greatest mistakes. Mike Murdock

Online businesses require a lot of stop and go tasks. So, as I said earlier procrastination is the biggest problem to online business success.

That mainly happens because of the failure to continue unfinished tasks.

Finally; here are two VERY VERY VERY important skills I recommend you do that will increase your productivity 100%.

This is the secret habit to success online!

1) Begin and finish each day by writing your goals down and reviewing them. But don’t only write them down on the computer!

2) Place these goals on a WHITE BOARD or BULLETIN BOARD in your office, near your computer or workspace. I’m talking about a white  board on your wall with with plenty of dry-erase markers to code your work and tasks. Put it somewhere where you have to walk by it every day, every hour.

If you use this white board, watch your procrastination take a nose dive!


Why is that white board so important?

What you keep before your eyes you will not forget.
What you keep before your eyes will stay fresh.
What you keep before your eyes you will pick up quickly.
What you keep before your eyes will force you to get it done!

When you work on a computer, it’s easy to hide things in folders, in files…

When you work on a computer, it’s easy to forget where things are.

When you work on a computer, it’s easy to get frustrated!

If you don’t think a tangible board is important to your success; take notice of how many successful online marketers use white boards in their offices!

Enough said!

[PS: By the way, if you have been looking for a solid business that can get you out of your 9 to 5  job; then THIS is my number one recommendation right now. Check it out!]
