Here’s How to be simple and successful using Facebook: A case study of a successful simple affiliate marketer!
by mike
Here's How to be simple and successful using Facebook:
A case study of a simple affiliate marketer
With the power of the Internet, there are endless ways to to work a simple affiliate business with Facebook.
Do I need to tell you many of them are confusing and too complicated for your average entrepreneur.
But in the maze of confusion, there are those who are quietly learning how to be “ignorant and successful!”
In fact, the easier to share, the simpler to attract your prospects.
When there is too much explaining and training; it becomes a turn off very quickly.
Don’t make it more complicated than you have to, just be ignorance on fire! Curry Russell
With the popularity of Ai and all the other technology that can produce results super fast; the vast majority of average marketers can’t handle it!
Nor do they have the patience for it!
YOU might be able to handle all the techie stuff, but if your prospects can’t duplicate it, that’s not good.
However; if you wanna attract the amateur entrepreneur, the average guy; below is a simple plan!
It has to be something the average affiliate can grab quickly and run like fire!
If not, the majority of your prospects will not get off the starting line.
Read this case study from a successful LiveGood affiliate Curry Russell, who is crushing it with ignorant simplicity!
“Do these two things for 90 days, and have a flourishing Network Marketing business!”
The “two things” that he refers to is (1) know your target prospect (people like him) and (2) get them to take the tour.
That’s assuming you’re starting out with a PROVEN COMPANY, PRODUCT and MARKETING PROGRAM.
… which is the case with LiveGood (their track record is changing the MLM industry).
Russell says,”Stop searching for fish and search for fishermen. That’s how to grow your business.”
… According to Russell he gives this example (this is how he made Diamond rank); ” I get on Facebook, type in the search bar “fishing,” and then I search for “fishing groups”.
And it just so happens that on Facebook it is the easiest place to find your target market.
… “and start marketing to people who already like fishing.
… or in this case, search for Network Marketing.
On Facebook type “Network Marketing” to get the full list of groups. These prospects already do what you do and like to do what you do.
You will find many in transition and are ready to hear what you have to offer.
“This is the easiest business I’ve ever done; says Russell!”
What does he do?
“You get people to visit your “Take The Tour” link…. and share it, that’s all you do.
“Don’t make it more complicated than that, just be ignorance on fire.”
“Just “Share the Tour”.
“Don’t get into conversations with people every day. You don’t need to do that.
Just send your message to your prospects, and if they reply to that, send them your tour link.
“Your goal is not to build relationships, or build friends, just communicate your message to those who are hungry for success.
“You build relationships and friendships with those who are running with you. Like minded people.
Don’t waste a lot of time trying to answer 15 questions for people who are not interested.
“If you have to explain explain too much, it makes them think they have to explain something, or learn something and that makes it more complicated.
“In the first 90 days of your business, you need to launch out with everything you have. Know where your resources are. Don’t worry about what it says, what it is. Don’t worry about the details (a simple marketing plan should take care of the introduction).
PS: also read “How To Find Facebook Customers Without Going Crazy: Six Easy Steps!” for a simple step by step explanation.
PS: by the way the simple secret sauce to sharing LiveGood is “Share The Tour” link. That’s it. Let the video do the persuading.
This is how LiveGood Diamond affiliate Curry Russell made his business simple and fast.
How To Find Facebook Customers Without Going Crazy: Six Easy Steps!
by mike
How To Find Facebook Customers Without Going Crazy: Six Easy Steps!
So, you joined a great online affiliate opportunity and you want to get the word out!
Now you want to find customers on Facebook to promote your business.
However; you’re not an Internet Guru and you don’t have a big budget, so what do you do?
One thing you know for sure, it has to be easy, simple and not something only a techie-nerd could understand.
Oh, and let’s not forget, something low budget.
Well, if you’re:
– A stay at home mom with no techie skills, here is a good solution.
– A mom or dad working a 9 to 5 job with limited time for your side hustle, here is a good solution.
– A college student trying to make extra cash and your time is very limited, here is a good solution.
The following is a battle tested strategy that you can use to search and find customers on Facebook for what ever online business niche you are trying to build.
Provided that you have a good product or service that you are trying to promote, and you have a good follow-up system, then this will be a good solution that is easy, simple and deliver all the prospects you need.
Now if you don’t have a proven product or a good follow-up system, I’ve included a battle tested follow-up system and affiliate program that is my #1 recommendation.
[SIDE NOTE: By the way, this is the cheaper alternative to AWeber or GetResponse. It also will solve much more other business chores. Check it out!]
Well, let’s get down to business. Following are 6 easy steps to find Facebook customers for your online business:
1. Do you have an established Facebook account already?
If you’re going to do business online with Facebook, you know that your customers will check you out on Facebook do see what you are all about?
So, if you don’t have a good business representation on your Facebook account, you need to join a few Facebook groups that deal with the niche you are working with. Also, do a little bit of posting and messaging just to get yourself looking like you really are interested in what you are doing.
2. How to find customers on Facebook interested in the product or service you are working on.
Ask yourself who are your target audience you want in your business?
Ask yourself where do you find the people that would be your potential customers? (note: keep in mind, you should be thinking of people that have greater potential than yourself)?
Ask yourself who are the ones that are gonna help you grow your business so that you can get spillover over the course of time?
Here are some tips:
You wanna work with people that are already familiar with Network Marketing.
People who are already in Network Marketing.
People who are transitioning from one business to another.
You want to select “friends” who have Facebook accounts that look active. See if they are actively posting before sending them messages.
The key strategy is to go where these people hang out.
This is where Facebook comes in handy.
Facebook allows you to search for groups.
Facebook allows you to search for people who are already involved in affiliate and home businesses.
3. So go to Facebook and login. In your Facebook search bar type “home-based businesses”, affiliate businesses or whatever niche you are working on.
Click search.
4. On the left hand side click “groups”.
It’s going to show you all of the home base groups in your niche.
Look in each group and you can see how many members each has and whether they are public or private.
All these people are potential leads. These are all people doing what you’re already doing
You don’t even have to join.
Pick one of the public groups (of course, you can also join a private group and do the same steps), just go to the top of the page and click on the link “people” below the group banner at the top of the page. You will see a list of all of the group members.
You can go directly to each member and send them a direct message. You don’t have to post on the group’s board or come up with all kinds of other ideas.
All these people you can automatically message and bring them into your business with a message.
5. “Click” the message button and send the prepared message you have pre-written for them.
You might not even have a lot of friends, but Facebook allows you to view the people that you have things in common with.
So in that message section scroll to the list titled “Members With Things In Common”.
These are the people that are the cream of the crop and one of the best ways to find customers on Facebook.
These are the people that you want to spend time with adding as friends. You want to spend time posting as many of these people a day you can.
No more than 10 an hour which is usually what Facebook will allow. You can probably add about 50 friends a day.
6. On the “members with things in common” section, click: “see all” and those will be the cream of the crop. These will be people that are already interested in the biz and things that you are interested in.
You may never need to buy leads from anywhere. There are plenty of leads completely free.
These Facebook groups have an endless potential of leads. Just in one group you will never run out of opportunity seekers.
It is endless.
All these people have the opportunity to say yes or no.
So, all in all, you only need three major components to start a successful on-line business. This Facebook strategy takes care of all your potential prospects you could meet.
Secondly, you need to have a good autoresponder messaging system to create your customer email list.
Get response and AWeber are some of the most popular.
But they also can be expensive as your list gets bigger, they begin charging you more money.
What I recommend is a program called LEADSLeap (you can check it out with a FREE account) which actually has much more bells and whistle producing benefits and is much cheaper. It also doesn’t cost more as your email list grows larger.
Thirdly, make sure you are promoting a product or service that fits your skillset and is something people really WANT and are willing to BUY!
That might sound redundant, but it’s not.
There are things that people WANT, but may not be willing to BUY.
There could be various reasons why!
Anyway, I hope this read has been a help to you.
[PS: if you’re still looking for a good business opportunity, this is a timely opportunity and our team IS #1 affiliates in this biz. If you want access to our FREE TEAM PAGE Check it out!]
Leadsleap credit ads
by mike
Get more LEADSLeap traffic from your Credit Ads.
Here is a way to get more traffic out of your LEADSLeap membership with your Credit Ads.
What are Credit ads?
Unlike most safelists and mailers, LEADSLeap uses ads similar to text ads as their featured ads.
There are two kinds; Pro Ads and Credit Ads. There are several ways to get awarded Credit Ads.
Have you tried using the Widget PPC code to place on your website?
If you upgrade your LEADSLeap account from FREE to PRO, your going to get much more traffic for your buck.
When you upgrade, you’ll automatically get traffic from your PRO ads, but to get traffic for your CREDIT ads; you need to earn them.
There are different ways you can do this:
1) Surf other ads or Associate Messages.
2) Join our Traffic Coop
Promote the link in other traffic networks and earn credits on autopilot. You will also earn Coop Income at the same time.
3) Report problem ads
While surfing ads, there is an option to report problem ads.
4) Overriding credits from your 10-levels of followers.
When your followers surf ads, you’ll earn overriding credits. Using the PCC widget is one of them.
You can place a code into the sidebar of your web page blogs so that you’ll begin getting Free views to your credit ads as they begin appearing on other people’s websites.
Just do the following steps:
[NOTE: you can also go into your LEADSLeap account and look at the left side bar and click the hyperlink “PPC Ad Widget” and you can get most of your questions answered.]
…after you login to your LEADSLeap account:
1) click the hyperlink “PPC Ad Widget”.
2) Click “Get Code” (arrow 2)
3) follow the instructions to upload that code to your website or blog.
As your making your selections you can look at that advertisement in the example at how your ads will look.
Don’t let the examples of the horizontal view of the ads confuse you.
Your ads will actually be in a vertical pattern in your right sidebar when you finish the following steps.
4) finish making your choices, click “get code”.
5) read the instructions in the popup window.
6) if you have a non-WordPress site, get the first code on the popup window and follow the instruction to place the code into the HTML code of your website where you want it to appear.
7) if you have a WordPress site, this code will work in your right sidebar, in a VERTICAL PATTERN.
8) however, you can use the second code near the bottom of the page by following the “alternative WP solution (using plug-in):” and following the directions from the popup window.
9) If using the second code in this popup window you may or may not be able to have more freedom to place your PPC Widget code anywhere on your website, depending on your particular WordPress site capability.
10) if you copy the second code to place in your LEADSLeap Ad Widget; make sure you are dragging the PROPER widget titled “LEADSLeap ad widget” into the sidebar, otherwise the code won’t work.
11) in your back office of your WordPress, place the code into the Ad Widget and save it, you’ll have to refresh your website to see if it appears correctly. Note: you don’t need to place anything into the “title” box.
12) PAT yourself on the back, expect your CREDIT ADS to start popping with FREE TRAFFIC!
That’s all there is to it.
However; if you’re still having problems, don’t hesitate to contact LEADSLeap support.
Best support on the planet!
You’ll get your response super quick.
By the way, if you’re like me; sometimes you feel like the “Village Idiot” when it comes to your business; Check This Out!
It will help you to set up your LEADSLeap to create tons of traffic.
“Enjoy the journey”!
Finding good online business
by mike
Finding a good online business?
As a young kid, I was an army brat living in a small rural Oklahoma town where I remember creating my own childhood adventures!
While my dad spent long days doing what soldiers do, I spent long days discovering the countryside and inventing new ways to occupy my time.
In the “old days” when there were no PC computers, cell phones and other electronic gadgets, kids like myself actually played outside all day long.
What a novel idea!
One hot summer day I was on an usual journey; playing along the banks of a creek that passed through our neighborhood playground.
Little did I know, my young brain would be shocked when I walked upon a large dead horse laying in the water!
As a young kid, I never saw a dead horse and didn’t think they could die!
That might be the way you feel about your current favorite online business.
… And It might be just as dead as that horse!
But you just keep on “riding a dead horse”, probably because it’s become a comfortable routine!
… However; you’re not getting anywhere.
So, how do you know when it’s time to declare your biz a dead horse?
[NOTE: By the way, if you’re ready to move to the next level and get serious with your AFFILIATE MARKETING; then THIS is my number one recommendation right now for the most EASY TO DO automated online business. Check it out!]
5 questions to examine your online biz!
Below are 5 things you need to examine if your Internet program, product or service is worth your time:
Here are 5 basic questions you should ask before joining an online program?
What is the product?
Who are the owners?
Is there training and support?”
How do I get paid?
Determine the potential of this business.
Examine these four questions to determine a healthy online business. I added the fifth question which I think is very important to determine whether a certain online business is fit for your goals.
There is a more thorough article on these four topics at the FOLLOWING LINK.
But I will give my take on question 5: Determining the potential of the business.
First look briefly at the first four questions.
#1: “What is the product?”
This is the FIRST thing you should ask yourself, and it is the simplest of four questions to answer.
Use the guideline established by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission: “Would the average person buy this product if there were NOT a money-making opportunity attached to it?”
In other words, is there a value to the product all by itself?
#2: “Who am I dealing with?”
By investigating and finding out exactly who you are dealing with will often tip you off as to how much success you can expect from this business.
Find out how long the company has been in business?
#3: “How do I get paid?”
As an affiliate do you know how to get paid?
Many program owners make it hard to find out how much commission you can make and how to claim it.
Sometimes it’s also difficult to find on their website.
#4: “Is there training and support?”
Try and find out how good their training and sport is before you join the company.
Contact of support and see how responsive it is.
Ask them a question you don’t understand about their business.
That usually will give you a very good indication of what kind of business you are dealing with.
#5: “Determining the potential of the business.”
Business potential often seems like a no brainer when it comes to online business.
Because; most online business is so OVERHYPED, we often just put in the back of our mind that this race horse is going to make me millions!
But, you can be working a good solid online business that only has the potential to make the average affiliate $1000 monthly while you are expecting to make one million monthly!
So make sure you’re not giving all your 100% effort into a business to support your family that only has the potential to feed your pet mouse.
Look at the TOP EARNERS in this business and consider sending an e-mail and see if you get some feedback on the financial expectations that are realistic.
Also investigate timelines.
How much time do you have to put into the business?
How much time can you in expect to reach a certain financial level?
What does the average affiliate make?
You can also read the following BLOG to get a little more information on the same topic.
I hope this will help increase your chances of choosing a business that can help you to be successful!
[P. S. By the way, if you’re ready to move to the next level and get serious with your affiliate marketing; then THIS is my number one recommendation right now for the most automated online business. Check it out!]
9 places to find your top customers
by mike
9 places to find your top customers!
If you’re looking for customers for your online business, how do you determine who are your best customers?
You start by solving a problem that your customer is experiencing.
Once you discover a solution, you create your product or service to be that solution.
Or in the case of an affiliate marketer, you find the product that they need and get it in front of them!
Good advertisements focus on their
customers, not on their product!
Below are 9 places to find the best customers that are interested in the product you are advertising.
Ask yourself these questions:
1) what are the top websites they might visit?
2) what top message boards they might visit?
3) what Facebook groups do they join?
4) what personalities do they follow on instagram?
5) what are their favourite podcasts?
6) what are their favorite email newsletters?
7) what keywords did a search?
8) what channels they watch on Youtube?
9) what blogs do they read?
These questions will help you to further understand your customers’ needs.
Bonus: here is a free tool that is very useful in helping you to find key words and phrases that your customers are using online.
It’ll not only help you find your best customers; it will also help you discover the right keywords and phrases to use for your writing needs, whether it be blogs, email ads, websites, capture pages, Etc:
Search Insights
By the way, if you’re needing some simple solutions for your biz find out below how to unclog it!
Five Top Subject Line Tips For Powerful Email Writing!
by mike
Five top subject line - tips
for powerful email writing!
Here are Five Top Tips when creating your subject lines for your emails and blogs.
This is one of the most neglected skills in affiliate and email marketing.
Most of us make this mistake when we write our first ads. We spend 80% effort on writing our ad and 20% effort on writing the subject line.
Actually; the top Gurus all know you get better results spending 80% effort on your subject lines and 20% effort on your email copy. All the copywriters live by this!
Think of it; if you don’t make people curious enough to open your email, it doesn matter what’s in it!
Spend at least 30 to 60 minutes writing your subject line.
I keep a list of my top marketers and then go through my email box and do a search on those names.
When I find them, I’ll study their subject lines. Then learn from them!
Those are the best examples of money-making subject lines!
[SIDE NOTE: By the way, if you’re looking for more traffic, and most of us are; then THIS is a great way to develop FREE TRAFFIC. Check it out!]
They get the best results!
It took me awhile to get that into my head. I have an undergraduate degree in newspaper journalism and wrote for my college and small town newspapers.
Newspaper headlines are different than email subject lines. Newspaper headlines are less personal.
When writing your subject lines; write them like you’re sending it to a friend in an email.
That means, anyone should be able to write a good email subject line!
EXAMPLE: Hey Bob, Check Out This Amazing Mailer!
Write like your readers are your friends.
What kind of prospects do your subject lines attract?
EXAMPLE: This Is Excellent For Multi Tasking Mom’s!
EXAMPLE: This Is Excellent For Former Military Officers!
Who do you think would be curious about the subject lines?
… Confident Moms and successful military officers. Sounds like they would make good team members to me!
Humans are curiosity seekers! We don’t want to miss out on anything important or we are fearful of missing something that could be urgent.
So, without trying to trick your reader, give them enough information to draw their curiosity.
Email subject lines are less formal than news headlines and even blog headlines.
Despite popular belief; it’s better not to capitalize your words in your email subject line. Think of it. If it looks less formal, more friendly and from a close friend you’re going to get the best results!
I hope these pointers will help you. Feel free to send me a message if you have some pointers you want to add to this.
BOTTOM LINE: your subject line needs to grab your reader with curiosity and build their interest with elements of “URGENCY, UNIQUENESS, USEFULNESS and DIRECTNESS!”
[PS: By the way, if you’re looking for more traffic, and most of us are; then THIS is a great way to develop FREE TRAFFIC. Check it out!]
Highly Successful Blueprint And Mind Map to Make Your Leadsleap Capture Page Rock!
by mike
Attention: Leadsleap members, opt-in capture page users
Highly Successful Blueprint And Mind Map to Make Your Leadsleap Capture Page Rock!
This Will Not Waste Your Time; Expect to Raise Your Hits/Sales 150%!
Looking for a successful blueprint to make your capture page rock?
If you are already a LeadsLeap member and you haven’t been very successful with your opt-in capture page, list manager, page builder, popup creator, and link tracker; then get ready to rock.
No fooling; this will really help you to use your LeadsLeap account SO affectively that you’ll kick yourself in the butt for not realizing how powerful a tool you have.
You can put together your whole opt-in capture page process to get hits/sales like you’ve never done before.
If you’re not a member of Leadsleap; get a FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP and walk through the training with Jeff Aman who will show you how to BE SUCCESSFUL with the whole process in less than one day if you’re a fast learner!
If you’re a little bit slow, or a ripe green Newbie you can get everything setup in under a week.
If you can’t; then maybe you’d better just go and apply at McDonald’s now! Just trying to challenge you!
There are several important links you need to take advantage of.
1: Get Your Biz Unclogged! Complete the opt-in process. Don’t worry; you don’t have to whip out your credit card.
2: get a FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP from Leadsleap.
3: continue reading below if you just want to read step-by-step directions through your LeadsLeap account.
However; if you’re better with videos, make sure you get “Get Your Biz Unclogged” to get a lot of extra benefits and goodies that you can use for your biz.
After getting your Leadsleap LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP; you can use the steps below to help you set up your capture page in record time!
Here is a FACT: 90% of your sales are going to be made in your Follow Up. – Jeff Aman
If you feel inadequate and afraid to do “follow-up” with your affiliate and email marketing; you’re in the majority of the crowd.
But if you don’t do it effectively; you have only a 10% chance of ever being really successful with online affiliate and email marketing!
If you have been looking for a simple, easy but powerful system to help build your business by putting together your list; this is your chance.
Here is a QUICK and DOABLE way to make it happen!
If you currently have a subscription with Leadsleap, but you don’t feel like you have been using it effectively; here is a simple practical guide to make it work!
Just follow by the numbers below. If you’re better with video direction, go to the following URL and follow along with Jeff Aman who provides easy to follow directions.
– First login to your LeadsLeap account.
– Then look on the left side of the page and click on your PAGE MANAGER url where you will begin creating your capture page.
– on the PAGE MANAGER page, click the blue button “Add A New Campaign.”
1, create two pages, Capture Page, Capture thank you page
2, and a blank template or enter a source code for each page so that you can begin editing.
3, on the thank you page you can start making immediate sales, with a button that says ” in the meantime, check out this awesome new traffic source.”
4, make the traffic source link to your Jeff Aman click engine traffic source.
5, complete designing both pages (capture page and thank you page).
6, setup your tracking on your capture page that ” convert A.” grabbing a conversion tracking code.
7, place that code into your thank you page conversion tracking” area.
When people click on your thank you page, that’s an indicator that they clicked on your capture page so that you can keep up with your conversion rate.
IMPORTANT NOTE: make sure you use the PRO “capture page” URL for sending out your ads. It has better delivery than if you were a free member.
8, the next step is to set up your list, so “add the new list.”
9, start filling out your list information.
10, go and get your “thank you page” URL and place it into your “list” “RE-direct URL after verification” box.
Don’t forget to include your address which will be shown at the bottom of your emails; which is required. You can use a PO Box.
11. “Click does now” and get the code in your email address and place it in the blank.
12. In the “email signature” boxes go ahead and check all three selections which will place the “signature design” into all of your mailings.
13. Now fill out “signature design” box with what ever you want to promote or say.
14. Next, go back to the top of the page and click on the “Envelope Icon” which is the “Welcome E-mail” and “Verification email.”
15. You are ready to enter your “welcome e-mail”. If you purchased some ready made emails, get your first email and place it into the “Day 0 Email Episode”.
16. Fill in your”subject line” and “body” on your first email (which is again your welcome e-mail).
17. Now fill in your information for “verification email” with the appropriate information for your offer.
TAKE NOTE: these email message forms are very fidgety. You have to replace most of the beginning before it will save your message. When you click “Save” make sure you read the entire message that pops up because if you don’t, you will wind up editing your whole email and it never gets saved.
18. Create as many emails you desire for your autoresponder campaign.
19. The next step is to connect your capture page to your funnel. Test it.
20. Launch the editor in your capture page by going to ” page builder”, go to the list, click get list ID, pick the list you created, redirect subscriber to a custom URL with your thank you page URL (make sure you use the pro). Leave the box unchecked, you don’t want to go to a new window.
The link is what you will use to promote your traffic with.
You can also track your link (capture page).
21. Test your link, make sure it’s redirecting correctly, it should go straight to the thank you page. Check all your links that they’re working correctly. That is your funnel guys.
Now, all your money is being made in your email follow-up!
22. You should get two emails. Your “verified” email and the first email of the sequence. Check all of the links inside.
23. You can always add more followup emails. Consider on getting more kamjenningspro emails to develop a relationship for you for your new subscribers.
24. If you’re not good with getting traffic; I recommend you take advantage of Jeff Aman’s Click Engine traffic source opportunity’s so you can get plenty of high-end traffic. You will learn Traffic sources: safelists, login ads, my solo ads cheat sheet.
It doesn’t get any easier than this. Whether you decide to set up your capture page by video or the step-by-step guide above; you will be ready to rock in no time.
You might think you’re the Village Idiot; however, if I can get 60 verified opt-ins and over four signups and commissions in less than 45 days, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
Money is not really in the list: – here’s where it is!
by mike
The Money Is Not Really In The List: – Here’s Where It Is!

Ask any experienced affiliate marketer and they will tell you “The Money Is In The List!”
This is probably one of the most popular principles taught in the internet marketing world.
Almost every guru was saying it when I started out, and so I believed that it was right.
So I started spending money and time building my list.
But even though your list grows, the money won’t just start magically coming in.
And that was when I realized having a list isn’t really where the money is.
It’s in mailing the list!
You see friend; you can have 100,000 email list.
But if you don’t know how to send them the right emails that will gain their trust and convince them to buy whatever you recommend, then your list is useless.
That’s why some people with a smaller list, make more money than most people with a bigger email list.
When I eventually figured this out, I knew I had to start doing one of two things:
1) Start learning how to write emails in my auto-responder that produces sales.
2) or find a platform that would even set it up for me.
Because I wanted to be affective IMMEDIATELY, I chose 2; so I wouldn’t be losing precious time!
So before you even start building a list, make you have a good email follow-up system in place.
You can see BELOW the perfect resource I’ve found that can IMMEDIATELY convert and bring you sales.
Inside this resource, you’ll also get highly converting email swipes ALREADY IN PLACE AND READY TO LAUNCH to make money even if you don’t know how to write yourself.
If you want to succeed in email marketing and make the type of money you see big marketers making, then check the advertisement below now so you can be ready to market right away!
number one secret entrepreneur success
by mike
What Is The #1 Secret To Online Entrepreneur Success!
Success Habits You Need In Your Daily Routine.
What is the number one secret to online entrepreneur success?
I’m sure there’s more than one answer, depending on who you talk to.
With so many ways to make money online and different resources and skills needed, there IS NOT one-fits-all answer.
But I believe, there is one secret habit that will guarantee you success at whatever legitimate online business you’re working on.
What is that habit?
Well, BEFORE I tell you what it is; let me tell you what BAD HABIT most all unsuccessful entrepreneur possess. This is especially true for ONLINE ENTREPRENEURS!
The answer might sound so simple, you might stop reading the rest of this blog!
But I encourage you to keep reading.
The worst problem IS NOT:
Having a good mentor.
Having a good business model.
Having the right skills.
Having enough cash flow.
Having enough time.
Having enough traffic or leads.
…. ALTHOUGH these are all essential for a good online business.
But, in my opinion the worst problem is PROCRASTINATION!
I know, that sounds simple and hardly the number one problem, right?
“If you don’t stay focused on your goals, you will spend your life achieving the objectives of other people, particularly those who are goal oriented.” Page 176, 10X Rule.
Why is procrastination so easy with online businesses?
It’s easier to have broken focus!
It’s easier to experience delays and distractions!
It’s easier to fail daily goals because of difficulty keeping organized between stopping and continuing your tasks.
Listen to what author Grant Carbone said about his experience with SUCCESS.
“The first three years of my life as a salesperson was hard work and gave me sporadic results at best. Then I committed two years and thousands of dollars to improve my approach, and selling was no longer work!”
Unplanned hours will always gravitate toward your weakness. Unplanned days are unproductive days. Unplanned days are incubators for your greatest mistakes. Mike Murdock
Online businesses require a lot of stop and go tasks. So, as I said earlier procrastination is the biggest problem to online business success.
That mainly happens because of the failure to continue unfinished tasks.
Finally; here are two VERY VERY VERY important skills I recommend you do that will increase your productivity 100%.
This is the secret habit to success online!
1) Begin and finish each day by writing your goals down and reviewing them. But don’t only write them down on the computer!
2) Place these goals on a WHITE BOARD or BULLETIN BOARD in your office, near your computer or workspace. I’m talking about a white board on your wall with with plenty of dry-erase markers to code your work and tasks. Put it somewhere where you have to walk by it every day, every hour.
If you use this white board, watch your procrastination take a nose dive!
Why is that white board so important?
What you keep before your eyes you will not forget.
What you keep before your eyes will stay fresh.
What you keep before your eyes you will pick up quickly.
What you keep before your eyes will force you to get it done!
When you work on a computer, it’s easy to hide things in folders, in files…
When you work on a computer, it’s easy to forget where things are.
When you work on a computer, it’s easy to get frustrated!
If you don’t think a tangible board is important to your success; take notice of how many successful online marketers use white boards in their offices!
Enough said!
[PS: By the way, if you have been looking for a solid business that can get you out of your 9 to 5 job; then THIS is my number one recommendation right now. Check it out!]