9 places to find your top customers

9 places to find your top customers!

If you’re looking for customers for your online business, how do you determine who are your best customers?

You start by solving a problem that your customer is experiencing.

Once you discover a solution, you create your product or service to be that solution.

Or in the case of an affiliate marketer, you find the product that they need and get it in front of them!

Good advertisements focus on their
customers, not on their product!

Below are 9 places to find the best customers that are interested in the product you are advertising.

Ask yourself these questions:

1) what are the top websites they might visit?

2) what top message boards they might visit?

3) what Facebook groups do they join?

4) what personalities do they follow on instagram?

5) what are their favourite podcasts?

6) what are their favorite email newsletters?

7) what keywords did a search?

8) what channels they watch on Youtube?

9) what blogs do they read?

These questions will help you to further understand your customers’ needs.

Bonus: here is a free tool that is very useful in helping you to find key words and phrases that your customers are using online.

It’ll not only help you find your best customers; it will also help you discover the right keywords and phrases to use for your writing needs, whether it be blogs, email ads, websites, capture pages, Etc:

Search Insights 

By the way, if you’re needing some simple solutions for your biz find out below how to unclog it!

Five Top Subject Line Tips For Powerful Email Writing!

Five top subject line - tips

for powerful email writing!

Here are Five Top Tips when creating your subject lines for your emails and blogs.

This is one of the most neglected skills in affiliate and email marketing.


Most of us make this mistake when we write our first ads. We spend 80% effort on writing our ad and 20% effort on writing the subject line.

Actually; the top Gurus all know you get better results spending 80% effort on your subject lines and 20% effort on your email copy. All the copywriters live by this!

Think of it; if you don’t make people curious enough to open your email, it doesn matter what’s in it!

Spend at least 30 to 60 minutes writing your subject line.


I keep a list of my top marketers and then go through my email box and do a search on those names.

When I find them, I’ll study their subject lines. Then learn from them!

Those are the best examples of money-making subject lines!

[SIDE NOTE: By the way, if you’re looking for more traffic, and most of us are; then THIS is a great way to develop FREE TRAFFIC. Check it out!]


They get the best results!

It took me awhile to get that into my head. I have an undergraduate degree in newspaper journalism and wrote for my college and small town newspapers.

Newspaper headlines are different than email subject lines. Newspaper headlines are less personal.

When writing your subject lines; write them like you’re sending it to a friend in an email.

That means, anyone should be able to write a good email subject line!

EXAMPLE: Hey Bob, Check Out This Amazing Mailer!

Write like your readers are your friends.


What kind of prospects do your subject lines attract?

EXAMPLE: This Is Excellent For Multi Tasking Mom’s!
EXAMPLE: This Is Excellent For Former Military Officers!

Who do you think would be curious about the subject lines?

… Confident Moms and successful military officers. Sounds like they would make good team members to me!


Humans are curiosity seekers! We don’t want to miss out on anything important or we are fearful of missing something that could be urgent.

So, without trying to trick your reader, give them enough information to draw their curiosity.


Email subject lines are less formal than news headlines and even blog headlines.

Despite popular belief; it’s better not to capitalize your words in your email subject line. Think of it. If it looks less formal, more friendly and from a close friend you’re going to get the best results!

I hope these pointers will help you. Feel free to send me a message if you have some pointers you want to add to this.

BOTTOM LINE: your subject line needs to grab your reader with curiosity and build their interest with elements of “URGENCY, UNIQUENESS, USEFULNESS and DIRECTNESS!”

[PS: By the way, if you’re looking for more traffic, and most of us are; then THIS is a great way to develop FREE TRAFFIC. Check it out!]

Money is not really in the list: – here’s where it is!

The Money Is Not Really In The List: – Here’s Where It Is!

Ask any experienced affiliate marketer and they will tell you “The Money Is In The List!”

This is probably one of the most popular principles taught in the internet marketing world.

Almost every guru was saying it when I started out, and so I believed that it was right.

So I started spending money and time building my list.

But even though your list grows, the money won’t just start magically coming in.

And that was when I realized having a list isn’t really where the money is.


It’s in mailing the list!

You see friend; you can have 100,000 email list.

But if you don’t know how to send them the right emails that will gain their trust and convince them to buy whatever you recommend, then your list is useless.

That’s why some people with a smaller list, make more money than most people with a bigger email list.

When I eventually figured this out, I knew I had to start doing one of two things:

1) Start learning how to write emails in my auto-responder that produces sales.

2) or find a platform that would even set it up for me.

Because I wanted to be affective IMMEDIATELY, I chose 2; so I wouldn’t be losing precious time!

So before you even start building a list, make you have a good email follow-up system in place.

You can see BELOW the perfect resource I’ve found that can IMMEDIATELY convert and bring you sales.

Inside this resource, you’ll also get highly converting email swipes ALREADY IN PLACE AND READY TO LAUNCH to make money even if you don’t know how to write yourself.

If you want to succeed in email marketing and make the type of money you see big marketers making, then check the advertisement below now so you can be ready to market right away!

number one secret entrepreneur success

What Is The #1 Secret To Online Entrepreneur Success!

Success Habits You Need In Your Daily Routine.

What is the number one secret to online entrepreneur success?

I’m sure there’s more than one answer, depending on who you talk to.

With so many ways to make money online and different resources and skills needed, there IS NOT one-fits-all answer.

But I believe, there is one secret habit that will guarantee you success at whatever legitimate online business you’re working on.

What is that habit?

Well, BEFORE I tell you what it is; let me tell you what BAD HABIT most all unsuccessful entrepreneur possess. This is especially true for ONLINE ENTREPRENEURS!

The answer might sound so simple, you might stop reading the rest of this blog!

But I encourage you to keep reading.

The worst problem IS NOT:

Having a good mentor.
Having a good business model.
Having the right skills.
Having enough cash flow.
Having enough time.
Having enough traffic or leads.

…. ALTHOUGH these are all essential for a good online business.

But, in my opinion the worst problem is PROCRASTINATION!

I know, that sounds simple and hardly the number one problem, right?


“If you don’t stay focused on your goals, you will spend your life achieving the objectives of other people, particularly those who are goal oriented.” Page 176, 10X Rule.

Why is procrastination so easy with online businesses?


It’s easier to have broken focus!
It’s easier to experience delays and distractions!
It’s easier to fail daily goals because of difficulty keeping organized between stopping and continuing your tasks.

Listen to what author Grant Carbone said about his experience with SUCCESS.

“The first three years of my life as a salesperson was hard work and gave me sporadic results at best. Then I committed two years and thousands of dollars to improve my approach, and selling was no longer work!”

Unplanned hours will always gravitate toward your weakness. Unplanned days are unproductive days. Unplanned days are incubators for your greatest mistakes. Mike Murdock

Online businesses require a lot of stop and go tasks. So, as I said earlier procrastination is the biggest problem to online business success.

That mainly happens because of the failure to continue unfinished tasks.

Finally; here are two VERY VERY VERY important skills I recommend you do that will increase your productivity 100%.

This is the secret habit to success online!

1) Begin and finish each day by writing your goals down and reviewing them. But don’t only write them down on the computer!

2) Place these goals on a WHITE BOARD or BULLETIN BOARD in your office, near your computer or workspace. I’m talking about a white  board on your wall with with plenty of dry-erase markers to code your work and tasks. Put it somewhere where you have to walk by it every day, every hour.

If you use this white board, watch your procrastination take a nose dive!


Why is that white board so important?

What you keep before your eyes you will not forget.
What you keep before your eyes will stay fresh.
What you keep before your eyes you will pick up quickly.
What you keep before your eyes will force you to get it done!

When you work on a computer, it’s easy to hide things in folders, in files…

When you work on a computer, it’s easy to forget where things are.

When you work on a computer, it’s easy to get frustrated!

If you don’t think a tangible board is important to your success; take notice of how many successful online marketers use white boards in their offices!

Enough said!

[PS: By the way, if you have been looking for a solid business that can get you out of your 9 to 5  job; then THIS is my number one recommendation right now. Check it out!]

What Beginning Affiliate Marketers Get Wrong!

The mindset beginning affiliate marketers get wrong

What Beginners Should Know About Writing Affiliate Emails!

There is a certain email writing mindset that most beginning affiliate marketers get wrong.

First of all, there aren’t any magical writing tips!

There ARE certain templates you can follow, but even then, there is a certain mindset for beginners when writing responsive affiliate emails!

What do they do wrong?

It’s trying to write as if you are an expert or you already have lots of experience.

Most of us think if we write like an expert and pretend to be an expert, people are going to believe what we say!

However; from my own experience, I discovered that my response rates are better when I let the reader know I’m not an expert; but yet I can share info that works.

In result, I actually made more sales.

People really don’t care if you’re an expert, as long as you can give them information that is going to produce results.

Think about it. If you’re not an expert and you make sales and their reading your email; they feel a vibe that you understand them. You’ve had the same difficulties.

And if they know you’re not an expert but you’re able to make sales, then they can do it to!

As long as the information you share is truthful and accurate you will get great email responses.

Another quick tip is just “write like you’re emailing a friend.” You can expect to get better responses and be more believable.

For practice you can join a few safelists for free (if you don’t wanna be a paying member) and take 15 minutes daily to study the ads in your email box.

See which sound like they’re written by your best friend … On the other hand they actually share good and vital information.

Even though I have written affiliate emails for quite awhile, I still don’t claim to be an expert. And, I still continue to write from that perspective. And I still continue to make sales. This is the mindset that has helped me make over 300 sales with Secrets Of The Big Dogs.

If you’re trying to learn to write affiliate ads, send me one of your ads and a link to your opportunity and if I’m available, I will give you my personal and free review.

Also; if you’re interested in a way to help you promote your current affiliate opportunity, check Prosperity Marketing System.  If you like $97.00 commissions, learn how to combine your favorite affiliate program with other multiple streams of income all with one simple effort! Click the orange “Watch Now” button below .

Learn Three Top Email Closes

Learn Three Top Email Closes That Make 99% Of Your Sales!

Do you want to learn three easy, yet powerful email closes that can boost your sales 99%?

When it comes to AFFILIATE and EMAIL MARKETING, how should you approach formatting your ads?

Definitely, there are different kinds of email formats that work.

However; there are three closes that make up 99% of your sales emails.

What are they?

1. Emotional
2. Logical
3. Fearful

And your most successful performing emails will include all three!

And usually in that order.

You make decisions by how you feel. Always open and start your sales email with an EMOTIONAL plea, question or statement that you know is important to you and your target audience.

You buy with your emotions!

Then; once your emotions settle down you try to LOGICALLY JUSTIFY making a purchase.

In your head you will come up with all the reasons why it’s a good idea to make a purchase.

So, second of all, providing the LOGIC that will back up justifying your purchase is important.

Then finally at the end of your email, you need to touch on the FEARFUL closer.

It usually comes in the form of URGENCY, and SCARCITY. Maybe your supply is unlimited and that makes it urgent that you buy NOW!

Maybe time is running out!

So; touch on all three closes; emotional, logical and fearful. In that order.

Your affiliate emails will be 99% more effective and easier to write because you will have a simple template in your mind to guide you.

Let me give a shout out and credit to Russell Brunson and Stan Stuchinski, both successful marketers in their own right. That’s where I learned what should go inside of each email message.

One additional point is that the “Secret Of Every Success Is Total Focus.”

If you’re frustrated with Your Internet Business, Like I Was? Tired of Doing Things That Don’t Work? Don’t Waste More Time, Money or Tears before You “Click Here Now!” to See How You Can Quickly Work Part Time And Make a Full-Time Income!

Five Simple Steps On How Affiliate Marketing Works!

How Affiliate Marketing Works: 5 Easy Step!

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online!

What is affiliate marketing and how does it work?

It’s when you earn a commission for selling or introducing a company’s product or service.

As an affiliate, you can promote their product on your social media, blogs or other online media.

The company you promote will give you a link that will track your results and reward you with commissions.

The concept is very simple, manageable and easy to learn for the average person.

However; although one of the easiest ways to make money online, it takes more than just clicking a few buttons before affiliate marketing makes you money.

You might ask; what are the step-by-step affiliate marketing basics.

FIRST of all, you want to find a product or service that you really really really like. Don’t try something just to make money.

If you don’t like it, you won’t stick with it during the hard times.

So spend some time researching. Don’t move forward until you’re sure you have a winner, something you would like to promote.

You’re looking for something that is a PROVEN WINNER and something that you FEEL GOOD ABOUT REPRESENTING. Make it something that has to be purchased on a MONTHLY basis.

In the beginning, stick with niches that have proven successful.

What are the The top three affiliate marketing niches; they are:

1. Wealth
2. Health
3. Relationships

If you pick one of those main 3 niches, you can’t go wrong. Yes; there is a lot of competition. However, there are millions and millions of people needing help in those areas.

There is an ocean of customers, opportunities, products, niches, micro niches where you can dig in and get a large piece of the pie… and even dominate in a particular micro niche!

It is vitally important for you to choose something that has to be purchased monthly.


After the initial sale; you will get monthly residual income without effort. Nice!

SECOND; I recommend you research a couple of mentors that have success in the niche you have chosen.

I also recommend that you pick one product or one service instead of trying to do multiple products. Trying to promote multiple products will not necessarily make you more money.

Yes; you can promote multiple products at once. But if you are a Newbie, I suggest you start with one.

THIRD; learn the basic mechanics of affiliate marketing which is centered around sending out emails of your offer. Don’t worry if you are not a good writer. There’s ways to get around it.

And there really are only five basic steps which include; learning a strategy, effective email SUBJECT LINES, writing a simple AD (in many cases it just needs to be a couple of paragraphs), TRAFFIC, and FOLLOW-UP.

FOURTH; then choose your primary way you’re going to get traffic. Eventually you should think about secondary traffic forms. Diversify.

Remember, it’s better to be a master of one thing than to be a rookie at many things.

THE FIFTH; learn and do the basics of follow-up. In other words, after the sale you have the opportunity to follow-up your customers who usually will buy from you again.

This is something most new marketers are afraid to do; follow-up!


Followup is basically customer service. Like any other business, after the sale you have to satisfy customers for one reason or another.

Once you’ve gotten this under your belt and you are rolling forward, part of your follow up will be showing others exactly what you do. They will become part of your team because there success is your success also.

A BONUS TIP for you: when you’re looking for a mentor to follow; look for someone that models a marketing STRATEGY TO DUPLICATE that doesn’t require total dependency on their custom software from A through Z.


Because; many Gurus do this because it requires YOU to depend on THEM for your biz to function successfully.

The problem is, when they decide to move on and shut down there custom software it may mean you will lose months or years of hard earned work!

THE BOTTOM LINE; learn the BASICS and a MARKETING STRATEGY that does not solely depend on one specific Guru software.

If you are interested in an affiliate/email marketing program that scores an A+ with all of these tips, you can visit my #1 Business Opportunity For 2023 below.

I hope these pointers have answered the basic “how to’s” of how affiliate marketing works. If you have any questions feel free to ask any time at my ”contact page”.

Writing Killer Money-Making Subject Lines That Sell!

Your Subject Line is the Money-Maker!

Writing Killer Money-Making

Subject Lines That Sell!

How much does the subject line make the sale?

How important is your subject line?

You’ve probably spent hours trying to write a good email message; while at the same time, spend very little time on your subject line.

You should spend more time on your subject line and less time on your message.

Read what Jim Edwards says:

“Don’t waste your time creating ads that sell… create ads that get the user to click, call or come into your store.

… Focus your attention on the quality of your hook / headline because that’s where 80% of your ad’s success comes from.”

However, don’t feel bad; most marketers make this mistake.

Another secret about email subject lines is that the “friendly subject lines” are the most powerful.

They get the best results!

It took me awhile to get that into my head.

I have an undergraduate degree in newspaper journalism and wrote for my college and small town newspapers.

Newspaper headlines are different than email subject lines. Newspaper headlines are less personal.

When writing your subject lines; write them like you’re sending it to a friend in an email.

That means, anyone should be able to write a good email subject line!


Its job is to get people to open your email.

If you fail to do that, the rest of your email is not even important anymore. It won’t be read anyway.

Think about it yourself.

How many emails have you opened because the subject line drew your curiosity, even when the message itself stunk? And you still clicked a link at the bottom of the message!

So, you will get better results in your email marketing with a good subject line and a bad e-mail than you will with a bad subject line and a good email message.

That’s because if you’re subject line sucks, your email is dead. It doesn’t matter. It’s not read anyway!

If this is all new to you; you might not think you can create your own compelling subject lines.

But if you’re serious about your online business, it’s time you break that barrier! As I said earlier, if you can send your friend an email, you can write a good subject line.

Plus; there are plenty of online helps.

One that I could recommend is “Inbox Economics” which includes a complete guide to writing killer subject lines.

Learn to use fill-in-the-blank templates to create dozens of subject lines to get the best open rates and CTRs.

You can also pick up some pointers from Awolacademy. Here they discuss the top five subject lines:

Number 1: “How to” Subject Lines

Number 2: Question subject lines…
Why do you never win?
Anything that’s asking a question immediately makes people open and read. We naturally want an answer to the questions. It makes us part of the conversation.

Number 3: urgency subject lines
People are more motivated by what they can lose rather than what they can gain.

Number 4: mystery subject lines
Example: This Unlikely Will Save My Career
Example: Very Bad Morning I Never Want Again

Number 5: Top X List subject lines
Example: Top Five Ways To Get More Leads
People love lists.

Below are extra tips to remember when creating your subject lines and emails:

1) The ultimate goal of your subject line and email is to get the click, NOT sell the offer. Get them to your sales page.
2) Need examples of headlines that work? Look at your own inbox and see which ones you open and which ones you don’t.
3) Write as if you’re emailing a friend. On that journey let people know who you are. It gives them a reason to read and many WILL because they have something in common with you.

The bottom line is: If you learn to write subject lines like you are talking to a close friend, you will have greater results than if you write excellent e-mail messages.

If you can write an email subject line to a friend, you can easily write a good one for your online business email.

How Should Affiliate Marketing be Done? 7 Questions to Ask Yourself!

How Should Affiliate Marketing be Done?

7 Questions to Ask Yourself!

Here is a good way to evaluate your AFFILIATE MARKETING BUSINESS!

Although it’s one of the easiest ways to do an online biz, it’s also easy to shed a lot of tears, drop a lot of money and waste a lot of time!

It’s very vital that you start right!

Having been an officer in the army; when starting a new mission, our unit would sit down and have a planning session.

Each soldier would be assigned their mission responsibility.

A business is no different.

You start by analyzing your situation.

You could be armed to the T with every software, and tool available and your business be a total failure!


If you don’t know the EXACT mission, you’re doomed to fail.

Save yourself a lot of money, time and frustration by not skipping this exercise.


Once you start, it’s hard to stop!

It has the same addictive power of gambling. It’s hard to stop even with negative results.

So, here are questions to answer before you ever start. Even if you have already started, it’s never too late.

This will be like your mission statement.

Always keep it in front of you.

Post it on a bulletin board where it can jog your memory.

Always post your mission statement on a bulletin board where it can jog your memory daily!

It will prevent you from drifting from your initial goal.

It means avoiding needless work.

Work that you don’t like to do, need to do, and likely won’t maintain anyway.

The following will help you determine if your biz will be successful or not!

AS YOU WRITE THINGS DOWN; it will reveal what your heart is willing to pursue.

Answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. The more thorough, the more revealing it will be.

1) how much of a budget do you have to start?

2) How much do you want to make(give details)?

3) How fast do you want to make it?

4) Evaluate your biz; does it match your goals?

5) how much time daily do you have for your biz?

6) Why are you doing this biz in the first place?

7) Can or should you do this alone or should you have a mentor or partner?

Answering these questions will get you started in the right direction and increase your chances for success considerably!

This will be your mission statement.  Post it where you can see it daily.

AFFILIATE/EMAIL MARKETING IS A GOOD WAY TO START for beginning online marketers. You don’t need your own product, it is an easy process to learn. It is the fundamentals of the business and it is flexible for your schedule.

If reading this blog was a help to you, please write a few words or a comment below. I would be thankful!
